盛“宠”时代 宠物殡葬也赚钱

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庄严肃穆的哀乐、干净整洁的墓碑、纷纷扬扬的野菊花瓣、小号的墓穴……这新兴的宠物葬礼可不是“过家家”,敏感的商人已经发现了宠物殡葬业的商机。李建中就是其一,他认识到:现在我国市民大多随意掩埋宠物尸体。宠物尸体被埋葬后,一些病原体会自然死亡,但有些病原可以在尸体的骨髓中存活一年,而其中的芽孢菌类可以在土壤中存活数年。这对环境是一个威胁,尤其容易污染水源。而随意丢弃宠物尸体更容易导致疾病扩散,危害人类健康和公共卫生安全。而目前,宠物尸体的处理方式在法律上还是空白。因此,无论从人们的健康安全意识提升角度,还是主人对宠物的情感方面,宠物殡葬业都大有潜力。 Solemn sad funeral, neat tombstone, wild chrysanthemum petals, trumpet tomb ... This new pet funeral is not “a family home,” sensitive businessmen have found pet funeral business opportunities. Li Jianzhong is one of them. He realized: Most people in our country now bury the pet’s body at will. Some of the pathogens naturally die after the pet carcasses are buried, but some of the pathogens can survive in the bone marrow of the body for one year, and the spores of them can survive in the soil for years. This is a threat to the environment and is particularly prone to water pollution. And arbitrarily discarding pet carcasses more easily lead to the spread of the disease, endangering human health and public health and safety. At present, the handling of pet carcasses is legally blank. Therefore, the pet funeral industry has great potential both in terms of people’s awareness of health and safety and their owner’s affection for pets.
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