各位专家、同志们: 由中国国际工程咨询公司主持的四川省二滩水电站工程初步设计评估会议,今天在成都召开了。首先,我代表省人民政府向采自全国各地的各位专家、学者以及出席会议的各位领导和同志们表示热烈的欢迎,并致以衷心的感谢。二滩水电站,位于我省渡口市米易、盐边县境内雅砻江下游河段上。雅砻江干流全长1500公里,可开发水力资源2500万千瓦,其中锦屏以下350公里河段,规划的锦屏Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级及二滩,装机容量近1000万千瓦,是水力资源特别集中的河段,是水力资源的富矿,建设水电站具有得天独厚的条件。
Experts, comrades: The preliminary design and assessment meeting for Sichuan Ertan Hydropower Station presided over by China International Engineering Consulting Corporation was held today in Chengdu. First of all, on behalf of the Provincial People’s Government, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all experts and scholars from across the country, as well as to the leaders and comrades present at the meeting, and to express my sincere gratitude. Ertan Hydropower Station is located on the lower reaches of the Yalong River in Miyi and Yanbian County of Dukou City in our province. The Yalong River has a total length of 1,500 kilometers and can develop 25 million kilowatts of hydropower resources. Among them, 350 kilometers below the Jinping River, the planned Jinping Class I, Class II and Second Beach, with an installed capacity of nearly 10 million kilowatts, is a special hydropower resource. The concentrated river reaches is a rich mine of hydraulic resources and the hydropower station has unique conditions for construction.