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各区、县级市人民政府,市府直属各单位:现将《国务院办公厅关于加强粮食市场管理保持市场稳定的通知》(国办发[1994]76号转发给你们,结合我市实际情况,提出如下贯彻意见,请一并贯彻执行:一、各区、县级市人民政府要切实加强粮油市场管理,组织工商、税务、粮食、物价等部门按照《国务院关于深化粮食购销体制改革的通知》(国发[1994]32号的有关规定,制定加强粮油市场管理的办法。各级工商行政管理部门是粮油市场管理的监督机构,要建立检查制度,健全管理措施,确保市场稳定。二、在保障粮食收购工作顺利进行, District and county-level city people’s governments and municipal departments directly under the Central Government: We hereby forward to you the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Management of Food Markets and Maintaining Market Stability (Guo Ban Fa [1994] No. 76), and in light of the actual conditions in our city, Put forward the following opinions and implement them together: 1. The people’s governments at all districts and counties shall conscientiously strengthen the management of the grain and oil markets and organize the departments of industry and commerce, taxation, food and prices in accordance with the “Notice of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Grain Purchase and Sales System” Guofa [1994] No. 32, formulate measures for strengthening the management of the grain and oil markets. AICs at all levels are the supervisory bodies for the management of the grain and oil markets and establish inspection systems and sound management measures to ensure market stability. The grain purchase work proceeded smoothly,
想让胸部变得更丰满吗?编辑本期就教JM们如何利用饮食搭配按摩同步丰胸,让大家用简单的方法解决平胸、松弛、下垂等问题,不再为胸部问题而烦恼! Want to make the chest bec
据上海市服装行业协会信息网络提供的最新统计资料显示,该市男衬衫、男西装、男西裤、针织内衣等成衣类服装的20%的知名品牌占据着80%的 According to the latest statisti
顽固赘肉恶魔般附身,想彻底甩掉就快来试试《瘦佳人》特别为久减不瘦JM推荐的毛巾操吧,超级简单,但是效果会让你惊掉下巴哦! Stubborn fat devil-like body, trying to comp
在办公室也可以健身,适当活动可以轻松保持一整天的最佳状态。 Fitness is also available in the office, and activities can be easily held for the best of the day.
DNA的损伤与修复在肿瘤研究中具有重要意义。这里概要介绍两点新进展。 一.DNA损伤修复的不均一性在肿瘤研究中的意义 长期以来人们将DNA看成是—个均一体,在此基础上发生随