2003年1月27日上午9时许,在上海警方举行的新闻发布会上,旅居巴西多年、已80高龄的台湾同胞林女士从上海市公安局副局长孔宪明手中接过发还的被盗钱款时,老泪纵横,激动万分…… 3年前,林女士在巴西圣保罗的家离奇失窃,她毕生的积蓄20多万美金连同钻石首饰等财物被洗劫一空。与此同时,她自己好心带回家来住的一对在巴西打工的上海男女也神秘失踪。当地警方接到报案后,由于找不到线索,只能不了了之。 去年3月,在我国驻巴西圣保罗总领事馆帮助下,林女士不远万里赴沪向警方报案。上海刑警“803”经过缜密侦查,一举破获此案,为老人追回了大部分被盗现金。近期,那对忘恩负义跨国作案的“鸳鸯大盗”将被移送检察机关起诉。
At 9:00 on January 27, 2003, at a press conference held by the Shanghai police, Mrs. Lin, an 80-year-old Taiwanese compatriot living in Brazil for many years, took stolen money back from Kong Xianming, deputy director of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau Three years ago, Ms. Lin bizarre theft in his home in Sao Paulo, Brazil, her lifetime savings of more than 20 million dollars along with diamond jewelry and other belongings were looted. In the meantime, a group of Shanghai men and women working in Brazil, whom she brought home with her own kindness, were also mysteriously disappeared. After receiving the report, the local police can not help but find clues. Last March, with the help of the Consulate General of our country in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Ms. Lin traveled extensively to Shanghai to report the case to the police. Shanghai Criminal Police “803” after careful investigation, in one fell swoop cracked the case, recovered most of the stolen cash for the elderly. Recently, those ungrateful trans-national crime “mandarin ducks” will be prosecuted to prosecutors.