当 人类告别20世纪和进入21世纪之际 ,国际形势正经历着前所未有的深刻变化 ,整个“世界正处在重大而深刻的变动之中”。我们已经进入的21世纪 ,是一个经济全球化趋势进一步增强 ,政治多极化发展势头不可阻挡 ,思想、文化相互激荡 ,科技进步日新月异 ,知识经济初露端倪 ,
As human beings say goodbye to the twentieth century and the 21st century, the international situation is experiencing an unprecedented and profound change. The entire world is undergoing major and profound changes. The 21st century that we have entered is a trend of economic globalization further strengthened. The momentum of political multipolarization is irresistible. Thoughts and cultures are stirring up with each passing day. With the rapid progress in science and technology and the gradual emergence of a knowledge-based economy,