面对激烈的市场竞争,永煤集团虽有国际一流的采掘提升设备和高素质的、年轻化的职工队伍等有利条件,但要想在市场经济大潮中求得不断发展壮大,除抓好其他方面管理工作外,进一步加强劳动力管理和工资分配具有举足轻重作用。 一、合理定编,以产定人 高产高效的现代化矿井必须以最经济最合理的原则使用劳动力,要以销定产、以产定人、优化劳动组织。根据原煤产量、开拓掘进进尺、发供电量、运销煤量倒算上岗人数,要做到因事设岗,因岗配人,岗位工种实行一专多能,一人多岗,兼职
Faced with fierce market competition, Yongmei Group, despite its world-class mining and upgrading equipment and high-quality, young workers and other favorable conditions, but in order to survive in the market economy to continue to grow and develop, in addition to do a good job of other Aspects of management, work to further strengthen labor management and wage distribution plays a decisive role. I. Well-organized modern coal mines with high production and high efficiency must use the labor force in the most economical and reasonable way. They must set their production quotas in order to designate and optimize the labor organization. According to the production of coal, open up the tunneling footage, send and receive electricity, transportation and distribution of coal count the number of incumbents, to do the job due to post, due to post with staff, job type of implementation of a multi-skill, more than one post, part-time