【摘 要】
A dream of owning an island canbecome a reality in today’s China.On April 12, the country’s StateOceanic Administration (SOA)released the first list of uninhabited islandsavailable for development by
A dream of owning an island canbecome a reality in today’s China.On April 12, the country’s StateOceanic Administration (SOA)released the first list of uninhabited islandsavailable for development by enterprisesor individuals. A total of 176 islands havebeen opened up for the public to develop.Tourism and entertainment, transportation,manufacturing, warehousing, fishery, agriculture,forestry, construction and renewableenergy are sectors that may be developed.
For sightless Liu Jianwen, much ofthe joy in life is found in an old-styleChinese courtyard compound. On themorning of April 2, he rose early andspent two hours on a jolting bus to reachthe courtyard
“If a teacher called on me, I’d panic.My heart would beat so hard andI felt like I could barely breathe.Even though I knew the answers,my mind would go blank, so most of thetime I tried not to get cal
Recently, China and Ukraine havetaken their cooperation to a higherlevel. On April 20, Chinese VicePremier Zhang Dejiang andUkrainian First Vice Prime Minister AndreyKluev co-chaired the first meeting
Every expat who lives in China’s mainlandmight need to go to Hong Kongsooner or later. Those with money tendto take the easier option of a flight, butas I had spent most of my money, I was leftwith on
U.S. lawmakers urge Congress to issue an official statement of regret for past anti-Chinese discriminatory laws 注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文
As competition in China intensifies, foreign-funded banks and joint ventures look to rural areas to expand operations 注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文
On April 24, the Great Hallof the People in downtownBeijing was packed. In sessionwas not any meeting of theNational People’s Congress,China’s top legislature, buta centennial anniversary celebration
A Kuwaiti Cultural Week kicked off onApril 14 at Beijing Foreign StudiesUniversity (BFSU), China’s top languageand international studies university.The event was held by the Embassy ofKuwait in Beijin
Since the endof World WarII, the UnitedS t a t e s h a sregarded the MiddleEast as one of its“unsinkable aircraftcarriers.” Every U.S.president has paidcareful attention to theregion, even during theC