慢性皮肤粘膜念珠菌病甚少见,我科最近收治一例报告如下。 刘××,女,5岁,攸县人。患儿口腔出现白膜一年,同时胸、头面部、臀部、四肢逐步出现小红丘疹,逐步扩大融合,并出现疣状增生,有时有痒感。查体见患儿发育较差;头皮、颜面、颈、上胸、臀部、双手背、腘窝等处散发或密集成堆黄豆至杨梅大小灰褐色或黑褐色的疣状赘生物,表面可见鳞屑、剥去赘生物露出红色糜烂面,诸指呈鼓槌状、指甲混浊肥厚呈污黄色(见附图)。化验血色素8.8—9.6g%,其他血
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis is rare, our department recently admitted a case report as follows. Liu × ×, female, 5 years old, Youxian people. Children with albuginea oral one year, at the same time chest, head and face, buttocks, limbs gradually small red papules, and gradually expand the fusion, and verrucous hyperplasia, and sometimes itching. Check the body to see children with poor development; scalp, face, neck, upper chest, buttocks, hands back, popliteal and other places distributed or dense pile of soybeans to bayberry size gray brown or dark brown verrucous neoplasms, scaly surface , Stripped vegetation exposed red erosion surface, all means drumstick-like, nails cloudy turbidity hypertonic yellow (see photo). Test hemoglobin 8.8-9.6g%, other blood