加快信息通信基础设施建设 助力‘两聚一高’战略布署

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信息通信基础设施是促进经济转型升级和改善社会民生的重要支撑。近年来,江苏省信息通信业在省委省政府的正确领导下,深入实施“宽带江苏”“无线江苏”战略,信息通信基础设施水平得到显著提升,基本适应了我省经济社会发展的需要。截至2016年底,我省光缆线路长度达293.9万公里,居全国第一位;互联网省际出口带宽达19.4T、宽带接入端口数达5500万个,均居全国第二位;4G基站数超过20.9万个,居全国第二位,4G网络基本实现了全省城乡全 Information and communication infrastructure is an important support for promoting economic restructuring and upgrading and improving people’s livelihood. In recent years, under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and government of Jiangsu Province, the information and communication industry in Jiangsu Province has implemented the “Broadband Jiangsu” and “Wireless Jiangsu” strategies in depth. The information and communication infrastructure has been significantly improved and basically conforms to the economic and social Development needs. As of the end of 2016, the province’s optical cable line length of 2.299 million km, ranking first in the country; the Internet inter-provincial export bandwidth of 19.4T, broadband access ports up to 55 million, ranking second in the country; 4G base stations over 209,000, ranking second in the country, 4G network basically achieved the province’s urban and rural areas