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  第I卷 (选择题)
  Ⅰ. 听力测试部分。(共两节,满分25分)
  第一节 (共11小题;每小题1分,满分11分)
  ( )1. A. He’s a bank clerk.B. He’s eating lunch at home. C. He likes dancing with his friends.
  ( )2. A. No, there isn’t.B. Yes, it is.C. No, it doesn’t.
  ( )3. A. It’s very beautiful. B. It’s never too hot or too cold.C. It’s an old country.
  ( )4. A. He likes penguins best.B. Lions are lazy.C. He doesn’t like dolphins.
  ( )5. A. He is a worker.B. He works very hard.C. He works in a hospital.
  ( )6. A. I’m in London.B. Thank you very much.C. Pretty good.
  ( )7. What time do koalas eat leaves?
  A. During the day.__B. At night.____ C. At times.
  ( )8. Where’s the pay phone?
  A. It’s in front of the post office.B. It’s next to a school.C. It’s behind a zoo.
  ( )9. Does Jenny want to be a teacher?
  A. Yes, she does.____ B. No, she doesn’t.__ C. We don’t know.
  ( )10. What are Ann and Mary doing at the mall?
   A. They are eating dinner. B. They are shopping.C. They are talking.
  ( )11. How’s the weather today?
   A. It’s rainy and windy.__B. It’s sunny.____ C. It’s cold.
  第二节 (共14小题;每小题1分,满分14分)
  ( )12. Where is Lucy from?
  A. Japan.____B. China.__ C. Australia.
  ( )13. Why does Lucy like koalas?
   A. Because they’re cute. B. Because they’re big.C. Because they’re quiet.
  ( )14. How’s Lucy?
   A. Just so-so.B. Pretty good.C. Very bad.
  ( )15. Where’s Peter now?
   A. France.B. China.C. The USA.
  ( )16. What’s Peter doing now?
   A. He’s cooking dinner.__B. He’s visiting his pen pal.C. He’s having lunch.
  ( )17. How’s the weather in Shanghai?
   A. Sunny.B. Humid.C. Cold.
  ( )18. What is Paul doing now?
   A. He’s reading.B. He’s playing basketball. C. He’s watching TV.
  ( )19. What kind of movies does Karen like?
   A. Comedies.__B. Action movies.C. Comedies and action movies.
  ( )20. When do they want to go?
   A. At 2:00.____B. At 3:00.______ C. At 4:00.
  ( )21. What does Mrs Smith do?
  A. A doctor.__ B. An English teacher.C. A shop assistant.
  ( )22. Where are the Smiths from?
  __A. America.B. England.____ C. Spain.
  ( )23. What does Mr Smith like doing?
  A. Fishing.B. Traveling.____ C. Swimming.
  ( )24. What does Mr Smith want to learn?
  A. English.B. Spanish.____C. Chinese.
  ( )25. What does Mr Smith think of his friends?
  A. They are friendly.B. They are boring and busy.C. He doesn’t have any friends.
  Ⅱ. 选择填空。(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分。)
  ( )26. —Would you like some pizza?__—________.
   A. Yes, I like__B. Yes, pleaseC. No, I don’t D. No, please
  ( )27. —Do you like giraffes?—Yes, I do. I think they’re ________.
   A. ugly__B. smart____C. terrible D. scary
  ( )28. —It’s July. It’s sunny and hot here in China.—Yes. But it’s ________ in Australia now.
  A. summer__ B. the same__C. winter D. December
  ( )29. —________?—He’s a doctor.
   A. What is he likeB. Where does he workC. What does he look likeD. What does he do
  ( )30. —Look! Emma is ________ her bedroom.
  __—Yes,her room is always ________.
  A. clean; cleanB. clean; cleaningC. cleaning; cleanD. cleaning; cleaning
  ( )31. —________?__ —It’s next to the library.
  A. Is there a bank hereB. Is this the bank
  C. Excuse me, can you tell me where’s the bank, please
  D. Does your father work in a bank
  ( )32. —What do you often ________ in winter?
  __—Coats and scarfs.
  A. put__ B. cook__C. eat D. wear
  ( )33. —Do you know Mr King?
  __—Yes,he is the ________ of our football team. He teaches us how to play football.
  A. coach__ B. waiter__C. reporter D. actor
  ( )34. —Is Linda a kind and friendly girl?
  __—________. She often helps others.
  A. I don’t knowB. Sorry__C. Thanks D. Sure
  ( )35. —What language do they speak?
  A. China__ B. English__C. Japan D. American
  ( )36. —The manager (经理) is busy every day.
  __—He really needs a(n) ________.
  A. nurse B. thiefC. assistant D. doctor
  ( )37. —It’s ________ today.
  __—Yes, I can see so many clouds in the sky.
   A. sun B. rain C. rainy D. cloudy
  ( )38. —Why don’t you let me go out, Mom?
  __—Your bedroom is too dirty. You should ________ it.
   A. read B. talk C. give D. clean
  ( )39. —________ is the weather like in London?
  __—It’s quite rainy and humid.
   A. How B. WhenC. What D. What’s
  ( )40. —Lisa ________ sweet (甜的) food so much. How about you?
  __—It’s also my favorite. I ________ chocolate and cakes.
   A. like; likeB. like; likes C. likes; likeD. likes; likes
  Ⅲ. 完形填空。(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分。)
  I think the world will be an easy place to live in, we__41__have machines and robots. They will__42__us to do all the__43__jobs and we don’t have to do things__44__washing and__45__the bed. I__46__that doctors will be able to__47__ us alive__48__ a long time. Ihope thatwhenI am 70 years old,there__49__ something and it will keep me__ 50__ for another 70 years, so I will to be 140 years old.__
  ( )41. A. will B. /C. do D. can
  ( )42. A. teachB. help C. tell D. ask
  ( )43. A. good B. easy C. same D. boring
  ( )44. A. like B. as C. for D. to
  ( )45. A. make B. do C. doing D. making
  ( )46. A. know B. hope C. see D. listening
  ( )47. A. let B. keep C. learn D. ask
  ( )48. A. to B. with C. for D. after
  ( )49. A. will B. will beC. are D. are going
  ( )50. A. angry B. busy C. tired D. alive
  Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(本题共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分。)
  Students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are small children. Others are teenagers (青少年). Many are adults (成年人). Some learn at school, others by themselves. A few learn English by hearing the language over the radio, on TV, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language.
  Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects required(要求) for study. They study their own language, math and English. Some people learn it because it is useful for their work. Many people learn English for their higher studies, because at college or university(大学) some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers, magazines in English.
  ( )51. People learn English ______.
   A. at schoolB. over the radioC. on TVD. not all in the same way
  ( )52. It is ______ to answer why so many people want to learn English.
   A. hard B. easyC. pleasedD. angry
  ( )53. Different kinds of people want to learn English ______.
   A. together with other subjectsB. for different reasons
   C. for their work______ D. for higher studies at colleges
  ( )54. From this passage we know that ______.
   A. we can learn English__ B. English is very difficult to learn
   C. English is learned by most people in the world
   D. English is a useful (有用的) language but one must work hard to learn it
  ( )55. Which of the following is right?
   A. We don’t need to learn any foreign language.B. We can do well in all work without English.
   C. English is the most important subject in schools.
  D. We should learn English because we need to face (面对) the world.
  We are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 6~15. We want a cook, a library assistant, a sports coach and a language teacher.
  (__)56. Who can’t go to Sunny School?
  A. A four-year-old child.B. An eleven-year-old boy.
  C. A fifteen-year-old girl. D. An eight-year-old kid.
  (__)57. Who is not wanted by Sunny School?
  A. A PE teacher.B. An English teacher.C. A library assistant. D. A math teacher.
  (__)58. We know ________ may not speak English in Sunny School.
  A. the sports coachB. the cook C. the library assistantD. the language teacher
  (__)59. The coach must major in _________.
  A. Chinese B. English C. food D. P.E.
  (__)60. The Sunny School wants a teacher _________.
  A. aged between 25 and 40 B. who can cook Western food
  C. who is careful and strong D. who can speak English and Chinese
  第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题)
  Ⅴ. 阅读理解填词。(本题共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分。)
  先阅读短文, 然后在短文后各题空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。
  Man is much cleverer than any other animals. But which is the cleverest among(在……中) the a__61__? Some scientists(科学家) think it should be Alex,an African grey parrot (鹦鹉). He is not l__62__ any other animals. He can really t__63__ with people!
  When he s__64__, “Come here.” he really means someone to come up to him.
  “Alex is as clever as a c__65__ of 2 or 3 years old,” says Dr. Pepperberg, “He d__66__ not just repeat (重复) the sound. He understands (懂) the w__67__.”
  Alex can tell about 50 different t__68__, name 7 colors and count from 1 to 6.
  Is the parrot thinking in the w__69__ man does? Nobody can say. But the q__70__ is very interesting.
  61. a________62. l________63. t________64. s________65. c________
  66. d________67. w________68. t________69. w________70. q________
  Ⅵ. 书面表达。(本题15分)
  1. 今天是周日,全家人都在家休息,各自正做着喜欢的事。
  2. 自己近来还不错,但是在数学学习方面还有些困难,希望能得到Lucy的帮助。
  要求:1. 注意格式和时态。2. 表达清晰准确,可适当发挥,60词左右。
2011年年初,上海白领张苗为了实现自己的田园梦,辞职当起了“地主”。她以每亩地年租金800元的价格,在崇明岛乡下承包了50亩土地,外加一个6亩的果园。张苗大面积种植草莓和能生吃的水果玉米,向游人推广“农场采摘游”。但由于采摘游早已在各地遍地开花,仅崇明岛上就有多家农场推出了该项目,她的生意一直不景气。  一天,当参加完采摘活动后,有位神情黯淡的女游客指着一块已经采摘完的玉米地询问张苗:“这里能借
浙菜久负盛名,又极具江南特色。浙江濒临东海、气候温和,地处我国“东南富庶”的长江三角洲平原,因此四季时鲜源源上市,不仅盛产山珍野味,农舍也鸡鸭成群,牛羊肥壮,无不为烹饪提供了殷实富足的原料。例如富春江鲥鱼、舟山黄鱼、金华火腿、杭州油乡豆腐皮、西湖莼菜、绍兴麻鸭、越鸡等都是当地特产。丰富的烹饪资源、众多的名优特产,与卓越的烹饪技艺相结合,才使浙菜出类拔萃地独成体系。  【代表菜】西湖牛肉羹、冰糖东坡
摘 要: 在新课程标准下的中学英语教学中,教师要培养和保持学生较浓的学习兴趣,建立融洽的师生关系;灵活运用教师语言;在教学中运用多样的教学方法和技巧;充分利用板书;创设课外英语环境。本文就此几方面进行了阐述。  关键词: 中学生 英语学习 激发兴趣    常言道:“名师出高徒。”那么,名师又为何会成功地教出高徒呢?古往今来,许多的资料都表明成功的关键在于那些名师认识到学生才是教学的主体,只有充分激
摘要: 本文旨在借鉴主体参与性理论来提高语法课的效率和学生学习语法的兴趣。并由老师教授转变为学生自主地学习,最终使学生由被动接受者转为主动学习者,乃至终生学习者。  关键词: 主体参与性 英语语法 教学模式    外语界随着交际教学思想的传播,一直强调语言运用能力的培养,而批评以语法为主要内容的知识教学;直到今日,这种批评仍未停止。值得注意的是,如果过分追求教学过程的交际化,强调功能意念,不重视语