上虞茶场,位于曹娥江畔,是在1958年从荒芜千年的十里长山上开发出来的,经过十多年的艰苦奋斗,现有1300亩新型茶园,平均亩产干茶已在278斤以上,丰产茶园亩产干茶达500多斤。 1972年在大搞群众性科学实验和技术革新运动中,我们选择3.5亩茶园进行了冬季修剪试验,在秋末冬初(10月底和11月上旬)趁茶树根系生长比较旺盛,地上部分生长处于休眠状态时期,剪去新的枝梢一公分,经过连续三年修剪产量年年上升。1972年亩产于茶175斤,
Shangyu Chachang, located on the banks of the Cao’e River, was developed from the desolate and long mountains of the millennium in 1958. After more than 10 years of hard work, the existing 1,300-acre new tea plantation has an average yield of more than 278 kg of dry tea, Dry tea yield of 500 kilos per mu. In 1972, when we engaged in mass scientific experiments and technological innovation campaigns, we chose 3.5 acres of tea plantations for winter pruning experiments. During the late autumn and early winter (the end of October and early November), we took advantage of the roots of tea trees to grow more vigorously and part of the ground grew dormant State period, cut off a new branch a centimeter, after three consecutive years of trimming output increased every year. In 1972, 175 mu of tea was produced per mu,