特殊茶的特异功能 (1)蜜蜂花茶、柠檬茶和苦丁茶:这三种茶有提神和恢复活力的神奇功效,是夏季最佳的茶类饮品。 (2)菊花或薄荷茶:每天喝几杯,能有效抑制体内的“急火”攻心,并能宁神安气、缓解疲劳。菊花茶叶包还能被再次利用:把菊花茶叶包敷在眼睛上,能清除眼部的发炎和浮肿。 (3)百里香茶:夏日里好出汗。可用鼠尾草、百里香茶浸泡的布擦一擦腋窝和胸部,这样难闻的汗臭味就会立马被抑制住。
Specific functions of special tea (1) Melissa tea, lemon tea and Kuding tea: These three kinds of tea have the magical effect of refreshing and revitalizing, and are the best tea drinks in summer. (2) chrysanthemum or mint tea: drink a few cups a day, can effectively inhibit the body’s “hot fire” heart, and peace of mind to ease fatigue. Chrysanthemum tea bag can be reused: the chrysanthemum tea wrapped in the eyes, can clear the eye inflammation and edema. (3) Thyme tea: good sweat in summer. Available sage, thyme tea soaked cloth wipe the armpits and chest, so unpleasant smell of sweat will immediately be suppressed.