今年是实施“九五”计划的第一年,也是关键的一年,这个头开的如何,步起的如何,对圆满完成“九五”资源林政管理目标任务至关重要。 一是要抓好采伐限额的分解和落实。国务院批准的我省“九五”期间采伐限额,省人民政府已下达各地,并与各地、市行署、人民政府签订了森林资源保护目标责任书,今年年度计划省厅也已下达。请各地严格按照省
This year marks the first and the crucial year for implementing the Ninth Five-year Plan. It is of vital importance that this leader should take the first step toward completing the goal and goal of forest resources management of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. First, we must grasp the decomposition and implementation of cutting quotas. The quota of logging quotas for the province during the Ninth Five-Year Plan approved by the State Council and the People’s Government of the Province have been promulgated and the responsible responsibility for forest resources protection has been signed with the municipalities and municipal governments and the People’s Government. The annual plan for this year has also been issued. Please go all over the province strictly