博采诸国之长,发展我国科技事业。《科学学研究》杂志副主编徐耀宗 1992年3月《国外科技政策与管理》编委会: 值此贵刊五周年之际,向贵刊表示热烈的祝贺。《国外科技政策与管理》为我国科技体制改革和研究政策科学以及加强我国科技管理的薄弱环节,提供了大量可供借鉴和值得认真研究的论文与资料;对研究和利用发达国家积累的有益经验,建立我国有计划商品经济的新体制提供了丰富的思路。
Draw on the strengths of all countries to develop China’s science and technology. Xu Yaozong, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Science Research magazine March 1992 Editorial Policy of “Foreign S & T Policy and Management”: On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of your publication, we warmly congratulate your magazine. “Science and Technology Policies and Management Abroad” provide a great deal of papers and materials that can be used for reference and worthy of careful study for the scientific and technological reform of our science and technology and for the study of policy science as well as for the weakening of science and technology management in our country. The beneficial experiences accumulated in the research and utilization of developed countries , Establishing a new system of planned commodity economy in our country provides a wealth of ideas.