红军挥戟,横槊巴山。1934年11月至次年3月,红四方面军的总部和川陕革命根据地的首府就设在旺苍。当时,在不到一平方公里的城区,就驻扎了40多个军地领导机关、15个红军团队、2万多名红军将士,旺苍成了名副其实的红军城。 在纪念中国工农红军长征胜利60周年之际,我们踏上了这块为共和国的创立立下了丰功伟绩的土地。沿着狭窄的街道,我们先后参观了设在沿街的西北革命军事委员会、红四方
Red Army swing halberd, horizontal 槊 Bar Hill. From November 1934 to March of the following year, the headquarters of the Red Fourth Army and the capital of the revolutionary base in Sichuan and Shaanxi are located in Wangcang. At that time, in less than one square kilometer of the city area, more than 40 military leadership units, 15 Red Army units, more than 20,000 Red Army officers and soldiers, Wang Cang became a veritable Red Army City. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants, we set foot on this piece of land that made great contributions to the founding of the Republic. Along the narrow streets, we visited the Revolutionary Northwest Revolutionary Military Commission along the street. The Red Sifang