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甜菜种株在百余天的生育期里,形成高大的株丛,枝枝硕果累累,因此要消耗大量的水分。甜菜母根栽植后,已断的主根不会再生长,只从腹沟长出大量侧根,斜向扎入地中。种株的根系,主要分布在40厘米以内的土层中,其吸收领域远远小于一年生甜菜。这说明种株根系的特点,与其需水量是不相适应的。欲获得高产质优的甜菜种子,必须根据种株各生育期的发育特点、需水情况、土壤含水量的高低,而作到适期适量灌溉。 Beet species in the hundred days of growth period, the formation of tall strains of Cong, branches and fruitful, so to consume a lot of water. Beet root planting, cut off the main root will not grow, only a large number of lateral roots grow from the ventral groove, diagonally into the ground. The root system of the strains, mainly distributed in the soil within 40 cm, its absorption is far less than annual beet. This shows that the characteristics of plant roots, and its water demand is not compatible. To obtain high yield and good quality beet seeds, it is necessary to make appropriate amount of irrigation according to the developmental characteristics, water requirement and soil moisture content of each growth period.
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目的 :探讨重组尿素酶A亚单位 (UreA)、过氧化氢酶 (KatA)疫苗在防治幽门螺杆菌 (HP)感染中的作用。方法 :构建表达UreA、KatA的重组质粒 ,用IPTG诱导表达融合蛋白 ,并进行SD