课文标题往往体现文章的主旨,课文中的插图一般能对课文内容提供直观线索。因此,在学生阅读课文之前,教师可以启发引导学生利用标题和插图等,集合自己平时所积累的知识和生活经验,对课文内容进行大胆推测和设想,从而发展其想象力。例如:在学习实用英语基础模块上册Unit 6 Reading:Seasons时,我并没有像以往那样,过多的注重课文讲解,而是侧重于启发诱导,促使学生在学习过程中学会观察并学习运用所学的知识对课件中的图片内容进行描述,并用自己的话给动画内容配音。
场景1:春天万物复苏。学生根据图画中的情景进行讨论。他们见景生情,对春天的景象进行描述。Spring is warm.Plants start growing.Leaves starts growing on the trees.And everything turns green.Flowers start to come out.The wind blows gently. The animals start waking up.I like spring very much……
场景2:夏日炎炎,人们在河里游泳。我对学生说:Please talk about this picture in English.学生发挥想象,对图中景色加以描述:Summer is the hottest season of the year.Many people love going to the beach.They swim happily in the sea.Sometimes it taints heavily.I like it,because I can spend a summer holiday……
场景3:秋风萧瑟,果园里,人们在采摘着丰收的果实。学生在分组谈论后总结出:It’s the harvest season of a year,many fruits rap in autumn.The weather gets cooler and the days gets shorter. The tree leaves turn yellow and begin to fall down from the tree.I like autumn,because it usually sunny and I have lots of tings to eat……
场景4:北风凛冽,大地一片银装素裹,一群孩子正围在一个雪人旁边打雪仗,不远处有人在滑雪、滑冰,玩的不亦乐。情不动人,景自动。学生们在看完图片后都大声地喊出自己对冬天的感受:It’s very cold in winter.When it snows,everything turns white.The earth looks clean and tidy.We can make snowmen and play snowballs in the yard.Sometimes we can even go skating or skiing.All in all,we can have a lot of interesting sports in winter.I like it very much……
学生在教师的启发引导下,经过口头练习,用自己的语言描述出了四季的特征,进一步为动画配上文字提示:Spring is warm and,and all of the plants start growing,the flowers come out.Summer is hot and wet.It usually rains in summer.People often go swimming in the river.Autumn is cool and dry.It’s the busy season,farmers work on the farm.Winter is cold and wet,and it snows sometimes,the earth is covered with snow.
在学生对景色进行描述时,我适时的给予一定的提示和帮助,对他们的回答表示肯定和赞赏。同时,也让他们表达出自己对该季节的感受:I like……best,because……由此引导出本节课要学习的句型:Which season do you like best?I like……best,because……
课文标题往往体现文章的主旨,课文中的插图一般能对课文内容提供直观线索。因此,在学生阅读课文之前,教师可以启发引导学生利用标题和插图等,集合自己平时所积累的知识和生活经验,对课文内容进行大胆推测和设想,从而发展其想象力。例如:在学习实用英语基础模块上册Unit 6 Reading:Seasons时,我并没有像以往那样,过多的注重课文讲解,而是侧重于启发诱导,促使学生在学习过程中学会观察并学习运用所学的知识对课件中的图片内容进行描述,并用自己的话给动画内容配音。
场景1:春天万物复苏。学生根据图画中的情景进行讨论。他们见景生情,对春天的景象进行描述。Spring is warm.Plants start growing.Leaves starts growing on the trees.And everything turns green.Flowers start to come out.The wind blows gently. The animals start waking up.I like spring very much……
场景2:夏日炎炎,人们在河里游泳。我对学生说:Please talk about this picture in English.学生发挥想象,对图中景色加以描述:Summer is the hottest season of the year.Many people love going to the beach.They swim happily in the sea.Sometimes it taints heavily.I like it,because I can spend a summer holiday……
场景3:秋风萧瑟,果园里,人们在采摘着丰收的果实。学生在分组谈论后总结出:It’s the harvest season of a year,many fruits rap in autumn.The weather gets cooler and the days gets shorter. The tree leaves turn yellow and begin to fall down from the tree.I like autumn,because it usually sunny and I have lots of tings to eat……
场景4:北风凛冽,大地一片银装素裹,一群孩子正围在一个雪人旁边打雪仗,不远处有人在滑雪、滑冰,玩的不亦乐。情不动人,景自动。学生们在看完图片后都大声地喊出自己对冬天的感受:It’s very cold in winter.When it snows,everything turns white.The earth looks clean and tidy.We can make snowmen and play snowballs in the yard.Sometimes we can even go skating or skiing.All in all,we can have a lot of interesting sports in winter.I like it very much……
学生在教师的启发引导下,经过口头练习,用自己的语言描述出了四季的特征,进一步为动画配上文字提示:Spring is warm and,and all of the plants start growing,the flowers come out.Summer is hot and wet.It usually rains in summer.People often go swimming in the river.Autumn is cool and dry.It’s the busy season,farmers work on the farm.Winter is cold and wet,and it snows sometimes,the earth is covered with snow.
在学生对景色进行描述时,我适时的给予一定的提示和帮助,对他们的回答表示肯定和赞赏。同时,也让他们表达出自己对该季节的感受:I like……best,because……由此引导出本节课要学习的句型:Which season do you like best?I like……best,because……