例1 王××男38岁住院号843040 因左眼突出、上睑下垂、视力减退18个月,于1984年11月7日住院治疗。6年前,左眼曾被铁管碰伤,当时眼睑肿胀、青紫,经治疗痊愈。体格检查,全身未见异常,浅表淋巴未触及。胸透心肺正常。右眼视力0.7(-0.5DS=1.2),眼前节及眼底均无异常,左眼视力0.2(不能矫正)。左眼明显上睑下垂及眼球向前突出和向下移位,上转及外转轻度受限。于眶外上缘泪腺窝处可们及一约4×3cm圆形肿物,表面光
Example 1 Wang X, male, 38 years old, hospitalization number 843,040 He was hospitalized on November 7, 1984 due to prominent left eye, ptosis, and decreased visual acuity for 18 months. Six years ago, his left eye had been bruised by an iron tube. His eyelid was swollen and bruised. Healed after treatment. Physical examination showed no abnormality in the whole body and superficial lymph was not touched. Chest heart and lung normal. The right eye visual acuity was 0.7 (-0.5DS=1.2), there was no abnormality in the anterior segment and the fundus, and the left visual acuity was 0.2 (cannot be corrected). The left eye was markedly ptosis and the eyeball protruded forward and shifted downwards, with slight limitation of supination and rotation. At the upper edge of the lacrimal fossa on the canopy and about a 4×3cm round tumor, surface light