当前,世界经济已经进入了“信用经济时代”。诚实经营,讲究信誉,与消费者以及企业都密切相关,它既可以给消费者带来好处,也可以给企业带来利润。我国加入WTO后,我国经济开始与世界接轨,并正在融入世界经济一体化的大环境中。因此,提高我国企业的诚信意识,已成为迫在眉睫的问题。 (一)我国企业诚信存在的主要问题 一是一些企业没有起码的诚信准则,在经营活动中背离
At present, the world economy has entered a “credit economy era.” Honest business, stress credibility, and consumers and businesses are closely related, it can bring benefits to consumers, but also can bring profits to the enterprise. After China’s accession to the WTO, China’s economy has started to conform to the world and is being integrated into the global economic integration environment. Therefore, raising the awareness of honesty in our country has become an urgent issue. (A) the main problems of business integrity in China First, some companies do not have the integrity of the norms in business activities in the departure