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韩登安(一九〇五—一九七六),现代书法家、篆刻家、画家。原名竞,字仲铮,别署耿斋、印农、本翁等,斋号容膝楼、玉梅花庵等。祖籍浙江萧山,久居杭州。幼秉家学,书法篆刻师承王福庵。一九三三年由王福庵举荐加入西泠印社,抗战胜利后任西泠印社总干事。新中国成立后被聘为浙江省文史研究馆馆员。韩登安书法四体皆工,尤善玉筯篆;山水画师从王潜楼、余绍宋等;篆刻以浙派为宗。传世之作甚多,历年积存印蜕,凡一百四十六册,收印拓约一万五千方,出版有《韩登安印存》《西泠印社胜迹留痕》《韩登安篆书三种》等,印学著述有《浙江印章石研究》《明清印篆选录》《作篆通假校补》《韩登安论印尺牍摘抄》。 Han Den Ho (1955 - 1976), modern calligrapher, seal cutting artist, painter. Formerly known as Jing, Zheng Zhong word, another agency Geng Zhai, Indore, Ben Weng, Zaixiang knees, jade plum and so on. Native of Zhejiang Xiaoshan, long lived in Hangzhou. Young Bing family learning, calligraphy seal Wang Fu An Temple. In 1933 by Wang Fuan recommended to join Xilingyinshe, after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War Xiling Seal membership. After the founding of New China was hired as Zhejiang Provincial Museum of history and literature librarian. Han Deng calligraphy four body Jie, especially good jade seal; landscape artist from Wang Lulou, Yu Shaosong etc .; seal engraved with Zhejiang school. Many handed down for many years, accumulated over the years printed slides, where one hundred and fourty-six, closing the collection of about fifteen thousand square, published “Handen An Indian deposit,” “Xiling Seal Society traces left traces” “, Etc., printed in the book,” Zhejiang stamp stone research “,” Ming and Qing seal seal selection “” for seal pass school “,” Han Dengan on foot India excerpt ".
零相关线性分析由Bogdanov和Rijmen于2012年首次提出,该方法利用分组密码算法中广泛存在的相关度为零的线性逼近来区分密码算法与随机置换.为了解决零相关线性分析所依赖的高数据复杂度的问题,Bogdanov与Wang于FSE 2012提出利用多条零相关线性逼近,以区分统计分布的方式来降低数据复杂度.为了消除新模型所依赖的强烈假设条件,Bogdanov等人于ASIACRYPT 2012提出多