“The Question of Heaven” was created by Professor Zhu Shui-tei from Shanghai Conservatory of Music and is a symphony composed of bamboo flute and symphony orchestra. Twelve little songs in one go, is the use of music fantasy Qu Yuan “Heaven” 12 questions. Bands sound simple but not monotonous, simple but not simple, smooth and not popular. This dissertation mainly analyzes and analyzes the composition technique theory and music form of “Q (Quest)” and clearly understands the unique composition technique and unique music vocabulary of this work. The compositions of this genre are different in musical style and novel in concept and technique, reflecting the composers’ thoughts and opinions on history, nation, contemporary and life, reflecting that the composer is seeking the blend of national style and internationalization, traditional material and modern Technology through, personality expression and common feeling fit, cultural heritage and the spirit of the times the path of the attempt and exploration. The distinct diversity of work (cross-cultural, multi-lingual) is reflected not only in the material selection but also in the fittings. Bamboo flute is one of China’s wind instruments, and the band is dominated by Western orchestral instruments. The sound of the band, the flow of white space and rhythmic stretch blend blend, Linyin this background fluffy and elegant, sometimes miserable, time and again with more than 2,300 years ago the text to start the question, reflecting the “Taoist unity, both God-shaped” art creation realm.