
来源 :中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mybose
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目的 建立三带喙库蚊实验室种群 ,观察其生物学特性。方法 采用人工控制温湿度和光照、模拟自然环境的方法 ,幼虫饲料为牛肝馒头粉 ,成蚊供血动物为兔子和小白鼠。结果 在室温 2 4~ 2 7℃ ,昼夜温差 <2℃ ,相对湿度70 %~ 80 %及人工光照 12~ 14h的条件下养殖 ,并在蚊笼中放入枝叶较嫩、多汁、无毒的植物 ,成蚊从叮吸兔血逐渐过渡到叮吸小白鼠血。于 2 0 0 3年 8月至 2 0 0 4年 1月成功繁殖了 7个世代。它们的平均孵化率、蛹化率和羽化率依次为75 .64 %、80 .74%、90 .97% ,经 9~ 16d可完成一个世代的繁殖。羽化后的成蚊 1~ 2d开始交配 ,雌蚊第 3天开始吸血 ,第6天达吸血高峰。吸血后第 3天开始产卵。结论 驯化繁殖三带喙库蚊成功的关键在于提高成活率、交配率、吸血率 ,所获数据对进一步了解该蚊的生长繁殖特性及防治提供了依据。 Objective To establish a laboratory population of Culex tritaeniorhynchus and observe its biological characteristics. Methods The methods of artificial control of temperature, humidity and light were used to simulate the natural environment. The larvae feed was beef liver steamed bread powder, and the adult mosquito blood donors were rabbits and mice. Results Under the conditions of room temperature of 24-27 ℃, temperature difference between day and night <2 ℃, relative humidity of 70% ~ 80% and artificial light of 12 ~ 14h, the plants were placed in mosquito cage with tender, juicy and nontoxic Of the plants, adult mosquitoes from the rash rabbit blood gradually transition to soothe mice blood. Seven generations were successfully bred from August 2003 to January 2004. Their average hatching rate, pupalization rate and emergence rate were 75.64%, 80.74% and 90.97%, respectively, and the reproduction of one generation could be completed after 9 ~ 16 days. After emergence, the adult mosquitoes began mating at 1-2 days. The female mosquito began to suck blood on the third day and reached the peak on the sixth day. 3 days after the start of spawning eggs. Conclusion The key to the successful domestication and breeding of Culex tritaeniorhynchus is to improve the survival rate, mating rate and blood-sucking rate. The data obtained provide the basis for further understanding the growth and reproduction characteristics of the mosquito and its control.