针对常用建筑保温材料在北方严寒地区使用的适应性,概述了建筑外围护结构常用保温材料的使用性能和应用现状,借助计算机能耗模拟软件De ST,通过逆向建模,建立以呼和浩特市为代表的我国严寒典型气候区典型住宅建筑的基准能耗模型,以EPS、XPS、岩棉、泡沫混凝土、玻化微珠保温砂浆5种保温体系不同厚度为研究对象进行能耗模拟,计算了节能保温体系的节能率、净现值和增量效费比,得出5种保温体系均具有较好的节能和经济适应性,指出低导热系数材料研发仍是节能研究重点。
Aiming at the adaptability of commonly used building insulation materials in northern cold regions, the performance and application status of commonly used insulation materials for building envelope are summarized. By means of computer modeling software De ST, through the reverse modeling, Represented by the typical residential buildings in China’s typical cold climate typical energy consumption model, EPS, XPS, rock wool, foam concrete, glass beads of different thermal insulation thickness of five different systems as the research object energy consumption simulation, energy-saving The results show that all the five kinds of heat preservation systems have good energy saving and economical adaptability. It is pointed out that research and development of low thermal conductivity materials are still the key points of energy saving research.