民谚谓:“每餐少一口,活到九十九”。古代流传于民间的《三叟长寿歌》中一位百岁寿星亦唱诺:“量腹节所受,定能得高寿。”这都是说,少食可使人健康长寿。 早在2000多年前,医学典籍《黄帝内经》就强调“食饮有节”。《素问·上古天真论》云:“食饮有节,起居有常,不妄作劳,故能形与神俱,而尽终其天年,度百岁乃去。”把节制饮食放在养生大法之首。唐代大医学家孙思邈在《千金要方·养性》中指出:“善养性者……食欲数而少,不欲顿而多”,
Minyan said: “a meal less, live to ninety-nine.” Ancient times spread in the folk “Three Miao longevity song” in a 100-year-old birthday also Sing promise: “the amount of abdominal section suffered, will get longevity.” This is to say, Eat less can make people healthy and longevity. As early as 2000 years ago, the medical classics “Huangdi Neijing” emphasized “food and drink.” “Su asked Elder naive theory” cloud: “food and drink festival, daily life, do not jump to labor, it can shape and God, and the end of their day, degree hundred years go.” To control the diet put In the first health regimen. Sun Ssu-tang, a great medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty, pointed out in “Qian Jin Yao Fang Yang Yang” that "