信息管理是科学管理的一个重要内容,它是建立在信息论、控制论、系统工程、计算机科学,心理学等基础上产生的一门年轻的边缘学科,它在本世纪中就被先进国家所采用,并带来了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。食品卫生信息管理则是研究食品卫生信息的产生、收集、处理、分类、传输、储存及有较利用的一门管理科学。1 信息在食品卫生管理中的地位与作用信息是人类社会和生物世界赖以生存发展的重
Information management is an important part of scientific management. It is a young, marginal discipline based on information theory, cybernetics, systems engineering, computer science, and psychology. It was adopted by advanced countries in the middle of this century. , And brought great economic and social benefits. Food hygiene information management is a management science that studies the generation, collection, processing, classification, transmission, storage, and utilization of food hygiene information. 1 The status and role of information in food hygiene management Information is the key to the survival and development of human society and the biological world.