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针对低双折射光纤双束干涉型传感器两行偏振态随机变化引起的信号衰落,提出了一种新型干涉型光纤传感器的消偏振衰落方案。通过在光纤干涉仪的输出端加对光波偏振态适当的高频调制.可以使干涉信号幅度波动小于4.7dB或6.3dB(与调制信号的形式有关),通过自动增益控制电路或将输出信号除以可见度的方式,能够在信噪比有所降低的情况下消除偏振衰落的影响,实现干涉型光纤传感器的消偏振衰落。 Aiming at the signal fading caused by the random change of polarization states of two lines of low birefringence fiber double-beam interference sensor, a new depolarization fading scheme of interference fiber sensor is proposed. By adding an appropriate high frequency modulation of the light polarization at the output of the fiber optic interferometer. Interference signal amplitude fluctuations can be less than 4.7dB or 6.3dB (with the modulation signal form), through the automatic gain control circuit or the output signal divided by the visibility of the way, can be reduced in the signal to noise ratio decreased Polarization fading effect, to achieve interference-type optical fiber sensor depolarization fading.
遵祖训,四代人做烧白送他人  今年国庆节,走进陈燕大姐位于绵阳城闹市区的一幢6楼单元房,干净整洁的家里,最引人注目的就是厨房里10个大大小小的泡菜坛子,旁边是几层高的竹蒸笼,案板上摆着几十碗烧白,有的将被放进几层高的竹蒸笼里蒸,有的将被放进屋内的冰柜、冰箱里冷藏储存。这些烧白都是陈燕这几天做的,且全部都要送给环卫工人、公交司机、三轮车夫和农村敬老院等地的老人们。  陈燕大姐回忆,1986年3月8日
本文结合我国旅行社目前面对的产品危机现状,初步分析旅行社产品危机产生的原因,进而提出了相应的建议。 Based on the current situation of the product crisis faced by