
来源 :实验教学与仪器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:resume_002
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科学课程是以培养小学生科学素质为宗旨的科学启蒙课程。按照新的课程标准要求,《科学》学习要以探究为核心,要提供学生能直接参与的各种科学探究活动的机会。在科学探究的过程中,使学生体验学习《科学》的乐趣,增长科学探究能力,获取科学知识,形成尊重事实、善于质疑的科学态度。因此,进行科学探究的重要场所——《科学》探究实验室的建设就显得十分重要了。在贯彻《九年义务教育全日制小学自然教学大纲》(试用)的过程中,我市建起了一批高标准的小学自然(科学)实验室,按国家的配备要求配备了大量教学仪器,这给贯彻在新课程标准下的科学学科的教学提供了很好的物质基础。但原有的实验室的面积、布局,设备、仪器等 Science curriculum is based on the science of primary school students for the purpose of scientific enlightenment courses. In accordance with the new curriculum standards, “science” learning should be based on inquiry and provide opportunities for various scientific inquiry activities that students can directly participate in. In the course of scientific inquiry, students should experience the fun of learning “science”, increase scientific inquiry ability, acquire scientific knowledge, and form a scientific attitude of respecting facts and being good at questioning. Therefore, it is very important for the construction of “science” inquiry laboratory, an important place for scientific inquiry. In carrying out the “nine-year compulsory education for full-time primary school nature syllabus” (trial) process, the city has set up a number of high standards of primary science (science) laboratory, equipped with a large number of teaching equipment according to national requirements, This provides a good material basis for implementing the teaching of science under the new curriculum standard. However, the original laboratory area, layout, equipment, equipment and so on
十六岁,一个多么美妙的年龄。我们带着几分羞涩、几分懵懂,体验花儿绽放的过程,尽情欣赏青春的美丽。十六岁的每一分、每一秒,我们用心去感受,用心去捕捉,用心去“拍摄”——  情景一:课堂上,英语老师正神采飞扬地讲解习题。突然,她紧锁眉头,好像发现了什么似的。沉默了一会儿后,她严肃地问道:“难道爱因斯坦还活着吗?这里怎么能用‘现在进行时’呢?这是谁做的?这么简单的题目竟然会做错?”一听这话,我的心就扑通