Security Architecture on the Trusting Internet of Things

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheena111
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By analyzing existed Internet of Things’ system security vulnerabilities, a security architecture on trusting one is constructed. In the infrastructure, an off-line identity authentication based on the combined public key (CPK) mechanism is proposed, which solves the problems about a mass amount of authentications and the cross-domain authentication by integrating nodes’ validity of identity authentication and uniqueness of identification. Moreover, the proposal of constructing nodes’ authentic identification, valid authentication and credible communication connection at the application layer through the perception layer impels the formation of trust chain and relationship among perceptional nodes. Consequently, a trusting environment of the Internet of Things is built, by which a guidance of designing the trusted one would be provided. By analyzing existed Internet of Things’ system security vulnerabilities, a security architecture on trusting one is constructed. An the off-line identity authentication based on the combined public key (CPK) mechanism is proposed, which solves the problems about a mass amount of authentications and the cross-domain authentication by integrating nodes ’validity of identity authentication and uniqueness of identification. Moreover, the proposal of constructing nodes’ authentic identification, valid authentication and credible communication connection at the application layer through the perception layer impels the formation Of trust chain and relationship among perceptional nodes. Yet, a trusting environment of the Internet of Things is built, by which a guidance of designing the trusted one would be provided.
在世界文明史上,书籍对传播文化,促进社会文明的进步起过十分重要的作用。最早发明造纸、活字印刷的中华民族,历来重视书籍的整理、刊布、保存,因此,我国古籍之浩繁, In th
数学是一门科学性、逻辑性和抽象性都很强的学科,初中数学教材与小学数学教材相比,知识点更多、难度更大,加上初中考试科目明显增多等原因,初中数学学困生数量大增。农村初中数学学困生的教育转化问题,因其各方面的独特性,一直是学校、教师和家长的一大难题。笔者通过多年的教学实践,认为要让数学学困生学好数学,关键是要让他们喜欢数学这门学科,要达到这一目的,教师应着重从以下几个方面努力:  一、尊重学困生,走近学
初中阶段的教学过程中要克服依靠题海战术来提高学生成绩的做法,应教会学生在解题中灵活运用各种数学思想,这样会取得事半功倍的教学效果。下面就以解二元一次方程组为例谈谈在解题中如何运用数学思想。  一、转化思想  转化正是在数学解题过程中经常用到的一种重要思维方法,通过转化将那些生疏的问题转化为自己熟悉的,把复杂的问题转化为简单的,把那些抽象的问题转化为具体的。比如,在二元一次方程组解题过程当中我们常常