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出题当为学生设想(致陈敬旭) 敬旭同志: 接读惠书,欣愉殊深。于出题目大费心思,诸题皆能深入学生心中,学生据以练习,成绩想有可观。我尝谓为教师者只须多动脑筋,经常为当前之学生设想,必能自致善法,予学生以切实之助益。足下即如是之教师也,佩佩。 When the topic is conceived for the student (To Chen Jingxu) Comrade Jingxu: After reading the Huishu book, I am deeply delighted. In order to solve the problem, he took the time to go deep into the students’ minds. Students would practice according to their results, and they would like to have considerable achievements. I try to be a teacher who only needs to use his brains. It is often conceived for the current students that he will be able to self-generate a good and give students practical benefits. The teacher is like a teacher, Pepe.