
来源 :临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijincheng520
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本文对沈阳地区150名12~17岁青少年的嗓音基频进行了频谱分析。结果表明:同一年龄组中女性基频高于男性,性别差异非常显著(P均<0.01)。基频与年龄成反比,但15岁男性组、16岁及17岁女性组基频反常性升高,可能与变声期喉内软组织受到迅速增大的喉软骨过度牵拉变薄有关。同时还提示:除变声旺盛期嗓音异常外,听觉上无嗓音异常的部分变声期青少年的基频也有变化。 In this paper, the frequency spectrum of 150 basic frequency of 12 to 17-year-olds in Shenyang was analyzed. The results showed that: in the same age group, the female’s fundamental frequency was higher than that of the male, the gender difference was very significant (all P <0.01). The fundamental frequency is inversely proportional to age. However, the abnormal increase of the fundamental frequency of the 15-year-old male, 16-year-old and 17-year-old women may be related to the excessive stretching and thinning of the laryngeal cartilage which is rapidly increased in the larynx. At the same time also prompts: In addition to vocal exuberant voice abnormalities, the auditory abnormal voiceless part of the voice of teenagers also have changes in the fundamental frequency.
Two new compounds Cu(pic)2[CO(NH2)2]2 1 and (picH2)2[Cu(pic)2(SCN)2] 2 were prepared from the reaction of picolinic acid and copper(II) per-chlorate by using ca
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脊髓空洞症(syringomyelia,SM)发病年龄多在 2 0~4 0岁 ,儿童期少见 ,而以偏瘫为首发症状 ,无感觉障碍的小儿SM更罕见 ,我们报道 1例如下。1 资料  患儿 ,女 ,4岁 ,于入院前 1个月无明显诱因
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曼佗罗为茄花科草本植物 ,全株有毒 ,因属甘味药 ,常被儿童误食造成中毒。我科自 1994~ 2 0 0 0年共收治曼佗罗中毒 16例。主要表现为口干 ,行走不稳 ,全身皮肤潮红 ,干燥无汗