用鸡蛋清蒸成蛋白糕,“糕”与“高”谐音;再用黄瓜、番茄、发菜等拼摆成莲花、莲藕。“莲”与“年”谐音;而莲藕的生长是一节一节向前生长,似为“高升”,由此,取名“年年高升”。 原料:香油青笋鸡丝500克,蛋白糕500克,发菜10克,番茄2个,黄瓜衣75克,精盐、味精各少许。 制作:(1)将发菜洗净,加鲜汤和盐,上笼蒸软,取出凉冷;黄瓜衣改刀成荷叶、荷杆,码上盐和味精;番茄入沸水烫一下,捞出去皮,用刀切成荷花形;蛋白糕切长片。 (2)把青笋鸡丝摆入大圆盘边,成莲藕初坯;上面摆上蛋白糕,“藕
Steamed eggs with egg white cake, “cake” and “high” homonym; and then cucumber, tomato, hairpin and other spell into Lotus, lotus root. “Lotus” and “Year” homonym; and the growth of lotus root is a section of the forward growth, it seems “ascended”, hence the name “year after year.” Raw materials: sesame greens chicken 500 grams, 500 grams of cake, hair 10 grams, 2 tomatoes, cucumber clothing 75 grams, salt, MSG a little. Production: (1) wash the hair dishes, add soup and salt, cage steaming soft, remove the cool cold; cucumber clothing change into a lotus leaf, charge sticks, salt and MSG; Out of the skin, cut with a knife shaped lotus; (2) put the green bamboo shoots into the big disc edge, into the lotus lotus leaf early; put the cake above, "lotus root