目的了解河池市市区暗娼人群艾滋病病毒的感染状况及人群特征,为后续的宣传干预工作提供参考。方法随机抽取调查对象进行现场问卷调查,并采集静脉血进行血清学检验。结果这次监测共调查391人,艾滋病抗体确认阳性1人。样本主要来源于洗脚屋和发廊、宾馆和酒店、路边店和小饭店。89.77%为该省户籍;婚姻状况中在婚者占57.29%;文化程度以初中文化水平最多,占64.96%。该人群对艾滋病基本知识的8个问题知晓6个及以上的达到99.23%。最近1 a接受过安全套宣传与发放和艾滋病咨询与检测的占94.37%。结论该市需要深入宣传教育,扩大干预覆盖面,加强多部门合作,有效遏制艾滋病的传播扩散。
Objective To understand the prevalence and population characteristics of HIV among the female FSWs in Hechi city and provide references for follow-up publicity and intervention work. Methods Subjects were randomly selected for field survey, and venous blood was collected for serological testing. Results A total of 391 people were surveyed this time, and 1 was confirmed by AIDS antibody. Samples mainly come from the foot bath and hair salon, hotels and hotels, roadside shops and small restaurants. 89.77% of them are registered permanent residences in the province; 57.29% of them are married in marital status; and the highest level of education is in junior middle school education, accounting for 64.96%. The crowd of AIDS awareness of the eight basic knowledge of six or more reached 99.23%. 94.37% of them received counseling and testing on condom promotion and distribution and HIV / AIDS in the recent 1 years. Conclusion The city needs in-depth publicity and education, expanding the coverage of interventions, strengthening multisectoral cooperation and effectively curbing the spread of AIDS.