一、当前国营企业存在的主要问题 1.国营企业机构臃肿,“婆婆”过多,内耗严重。按《企业法》规定,企业有权决定机构设置及其人员编制。但现实情况与这一规定差距较大。由于我国长期实行条块结合的管理体制,采用逐级下达、层层落实的管理方法,所以多数部门硬性要求企业建立对口机构,规定人员比例。企业怕“得罪”主管部门,影响企业本身的生存条件,只好是主管部门要企业设什么机构,企业就设什么机构。目前一般企业都设有环保、卫生、公安、保卫、计划生育等专门机构一、二十个,有的多达四十几个。虽然有些企业为了应付主管部
First, the main problems existing in state-owned enterprises 1. State-owned enterprises bloated, “mother-in-law” too much, internal friction serious. According to “Enterprise Law” provides that enterprises have the right to decide the establishment of institutions and staffing. However, the reality is far from this stipulation. Because of our long-term implementation of the management system combined with the bar, using step by step, layers of implementation of management methods, so most departments require enterprises to establish counterpart agencies, the provisions of the proportion of staff. Enterprises afraid of “offended” competent departments, affecting their own living conditions, but the competent authorities to set up enterprises what institutions, enterprises set up what institutions. At present, enterprises in general have one or twenty special agencies for environmental protection, public health, public security, security and family planning, and some as many as 40 or more. Although some companies in order to cope with the competent department