
来源 :岩土工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shlices
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在差异沉降现象下,现阶段关于加筋土挡墙面板与筋材连接处的结点应力及筋材的变形情况的研究尚少。例如软土地区地基较软处加筋土挡墙易发生差异沉降,其相关理论的不完善也导致了加筋土挡墙的区域适用性降低。为完善加筋土挡墙的设计理论,本文运用弹性索理论为理论基础,以加筋土挡墙面板与筋材的连接处为研究对象,结合现有的加筋土挡墙变形及其土压力计算理论,提出了一套差异沉降下加筋土挡墙筋材应力分布及其变形曲线的计算方法。通过理论分析,并结合室内模型试验数据验证了该方法的可行性和准确性。该方法具有计算简便,适用广泛等特点,能够较好地解释面板与筋材连接处的破坏形式,对完善加筋土挡墙的设计理论,特别是沉降控制设计方面具有一定的意义。 Under the phenomenon of differential settlement, there is little research on the stress of the junction and the deformation of the tendons at the juncture between the panel and the tendons at the present stage. For example, the soft soil area is softer than the reinforced soil retaining wall is prone to differential settlement, the related theory is not perfect also led to the reinforced soil retaining wall of regional applicability decreased. In order to perfect the design theory of reinforced earth retaining wall, this paper uses the theory of elastic cable as theoretical basis and takes the connection between reinforced earth retaining wall and slab as research object. Combining with the existing deformation of earth retaining wall and its soil Pressure calculation theory, a set of calculation method of stress distribution and deformation curve of reinforced earth retaining wall under different settlement is put forward. Through the theoretical analysis and the indoor model test data, the feasibility and accuracy of the method are verified. The method has the characteristics of simple calculation and wide application, and can well explain the damage form of the connection between the panel and the reinforcement. This method is of great significance to the design theory of the reinforced earth retaining wall, especially the settlement control design.
为了确定赖氨酸生产废水经过膜技术处理后废水中的CODcr值的大小 ,我们采用超滤与纳滤相结合的工艺分别对浓废水和稀废水进行中试实验。实验结果表明 :采用超滤 -一级纳滤 -
目的:为开发利用紫草科琉璃草属植物倒提壶Gynogloss amabile Stapfet.Drumm提供理论依据.方法:采用来源鉴定、性状鉴定、显微及理化鉴定的方法作生药学的系统研究.结果:证明