白羊角为早熟半蔓生菜豆品种 ,它具有矮生菜豆的早熟性 ,又有架豆的质佳、产量高、抗病等特点 ,近年来种植面积逐年增多 ,成为能够解决春淡季供应、提高复种指数理想的堵缺补淡品种 ,但目前普遍存在着播期、密度等不适宜和特殊年份(干旱、低温)难以发芽出苗现象。菜豆合理的
It has the characteristics of early maturity of dwarf lettuce beans, good quality of stalks, high yield and disease resistance. In recent years, its acreage has been increasing year by year. However, there is a widespread prevalence of sowing date, density and other unfitness and the special year (drought, low temperature) is difficult to sprout emergence. The beans are reasonable