近年来,离子注入和离子束分析技术,应用相当广泛,已扩展到许多新的领域,形成了一种多学科性的边缘学科。 离子注入已作为一种成熟的技术广泛地应用在半导体工业上,在半导体制造工艺方面,它比传统的热扩散法显示出多方面的优越性。同时在材料改性方面也引起人们的极大兴趣,许多金属部件在实际使用时起作用的是金属表面的性质,而离子注入正好是能够改变金属表面性质(如硬度、磨损、腐蚀等)的有效途径。此外,离子注入技术用来改变光学表面指定区域的反射率、折射率,这在“集成光学”中是一项有效技术,也有人利用离子注入技术研制记忆元件(如磁泡)以及提高超导材料的超导性能等。
In recent years, ion implantation and ion beam analysis techniques, a wide range of applications, has been extended to many new areas, forming a multidisciplinary edge discipline. Ion implantation has been widely used in the semiconductor industry as a mature technology, showing many advantages over the conventional thermal diffusion method in semiconductor manufacturing processes. At the same time, there is also great interest in the modification of materials. Many metal parts work in actual use on the properties of metal surfaces, and ion implantation happens to be able to change the surface properties (such as hardness, wear, corrosion, etc.) Effective Ways. In addition, ion implantation technology is used to change the reflectivity and refractive index of a specified area of the optical surface. This is an effective technique in “Integrated Optics”. Some people use ion implantation technology to develop memory elements (such as a bubble) and improve the superconductivity Superconductivity of materials and so on.