桂枝芍药知母汤见于《金匮要略》,具有祛风除湿、温经宣痹、滋阴清热之功 ,用于风湿历节之证治。笔者以本方化裁治疗各种痹证取得满意疗效 ,现举验案如下。1 热 痹李某 ,女 ,30岁。反复发作四肢各大关节红肿热痛、伴屈伸不利、口渴、疲乏 2年余 ,口服西药症状可暂时缓解 ,每?
Guizhi wolfberry Yaomo Anemarrhenae soup is found in the “Golden Chamber”, which has the functions of removing wind, removing dampness, exchanging phlegm, clearing phlegm and nourishing yin and clearing heat. It is used in the treatment of rheumatism. The author used his prescription to treat all kinds of convulsions and obtained satisfactory results. The present results are as follows. 1 hot 痹 Lee, female, 30 years old. Repeated episodes of major joint swelling and thermal pain, with adverse flexion and extension, thirst, fatigue, more than two years, oral western medicine symptoms can be temporarily alleviated, each?