Directing group-assisted transition-metal-catalyzed vinylic C–H bond functionalization

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fishwatcher
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Transition-metal-catalyzed C–H bond activation represents one of the most attractive research areas in organic synthesis.In contrast to the great developments made in directed C–H bond functionalization of arenes,the directing group-assisted activation of non-aromatic vinylic C–H bonds still remains challenging.During the recent years,significant progress has been made in this fascinating field with various functionalized alkenes,heterocycles and carbocycles being obtained.This article will focus on the recent achievements in the field of directing-group-assisted vinylic C–H bond functionalization. Transition-metal-catalyzed C-H bond activation represented one of the most attractive research areas in organic synthesis. In contrast to the great developments made in directed C-H bond functionalization of arenes, the directing group-assisted activation of non-aromatic vinylic C-H bonds still remains challenging. During the recent years, significant progress has been made in this fascinating field with various functionalized alkenes, heterocycles and carbocycles are obtained. This article will focus on the recent achievements in the field of directing-group-assisted vinylic C-H bond functionalization.
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