A Review of Coated Conductor Development

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l309553042
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The developments of coated conductor technology have been reviewed. It is shown that the critical current density of high-Tc wires can be greatly enhanced by using three-fold approaches: grain alignment, grain boundary doping, and optimization of the grain architecture. Major advances have been made in the last 16 years mainly in three aspects: substrates, buffer layers and the YBCO layer. Cost is still the main concern for scale up, especially for the approach through vapor depositions, such as the PLD method. TFA-MOD or other CSD methods may be the trend to overcome cost and speed consideration during the scale up. However, high reliability and reproducibility will be the new focus for these techniques. Ni-alloy tapes seem to have advantages over pure Ni in terms of mechanical strength and oxidation resistance. Depositing a pure Ni layer on top of Ni-based alloys (such as Ni-Cr and Ni-W alloys) solves the problem of low strength of Ni and poor texture of Ni alloys. The RABiTS and IBAD are the two robu The developments of coated conductor technology have been reviewed. It shows shown that the critical current density of high-Tc wires can be greatly enhanced by using three-fold approaches: grain alignment, grain boundary doping, and optimization of the grain architecture. have been made in the last 16 years mainly in three aspects: substrates, buffer layers and the YBCO layer. especially in the main concern for scale up, especially for the approach through vapor depositions, such as the PLD method. Other, CSD methods may be the trend to overcome cost and speed consideration during the scale up. However, high reliability and reproducibility will be the new focus for these techniques. oxidation resistance. Depositing a pure Ni layer on top of Ni-based alloys (such as Ni-Cr and Ni-W alloys) solves the problem of low strength of Ni and poor texture of Ni alloys. The RABiTS and IBA D are the two robu
The behavior of YBCO/metal bilayers under transport currents was explored in the framework of fault current limitation (FCL). Properties of the superconducting
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[摘要]电网系统运行中,电力变压器是重要的组成部分之一,是实现电压等级转换的唯一方法。它的运行状况直接关系着整个电网的运行质量和安全,由于电网系统运行的特殊性它对设备的运行要求较高,从电力企业的长远发展来看,就要对变压器的日常运行做好维护工作,对出现的故障及时的进行处理解决,基于此,文章主要对电力系统中变压器的日常维护和故障处理进行了简要的分析。  [关键词]变压器;日常维护;故障解决  现代社会