This paper is a report of Deputy Director Zhang Haitao to 2002 annual meetingof National Technical Committee on Radio and TV Standardization. In his report Zhangreviewed the main work of this committee in recent two years, expounded the situationand tasks that faces the radio and TV standardization work and put forward mainmeasures for strengthening radio and TV standardization work and two major relationsto be properly handled in promoting standardization work. This report is published infull for everyones study and reference.
This paper is a report of Deputy Director Zhang Haitao to 2002 annual meeting of National Technical Committee on Radio and TV Standardization. In his report Zhangreviewed the main work of this committee in recent two years, expounded the situation and tasks that faces the radio and TV standardization work and put forward mainmeasures for strengthening radio and TV standardization work and two major relationsto be properly handled in promoting standardization work. This report is published infull for everyones study and reference.