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马来西亚的《星洲日报》今年6月10日刊文指出,现在许多人都在谈论中国是否面临经济过热的问题。其实,所谓经济过热的提法,基本上是从西方经济模式中抄袭来的东西,并不适用于中国。今日中国的经济情况只适宜于用“消费过热”来形容,而不应该用“经济过热’束形容……哪来这么多的钱? 近年来,许多国际机构(尤其是世界银行和国际货币基金组织)的资深经济学家来华访问考察时,经常会不约而同地产生出一个疑惑:我们在餐馆里看到的是满席的山珍海味,在街上看到的是时髦的流 The Malaysian Sin Chew Daily’s article on June 10 this year pointed out that many people are now talking about whether China is facing an overheated economy. In fact, the so-called overheating of the economy is basically copied from the Western economic model and does not apply to China. The economic situation in China today is only suitable to describe it as “consumer overheating”. It should not use the phrase “economic overheating” to describe how much money is there? In recent years, many international agencies (especially the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund) have used it. When senior economists from the organization visited China to visit and study, they often invariably produced a suspicion that what we saw in the restaurant was full of delicacies, and that we saw a fashionable stream on the street.
微微青涩里,散发淡淡的果香;蠢蠢欲动的生长孕育着含苞待放。告别了青涩,告别了蠢蠢欲动,成熟,结出了甘甜的果子…… Slightly green, emitting a faint fruity fragrance;
In resent years, the demand of world ship market becomes huge, and the shipbuilding industry of Japan wel- comes a new peak. The ships that manufactured in Japa
所谓职业道德,就是人们在本职工作中必须遵循的行为规范。也就是要在商业经营思想和经营作风中体现我们社会主义商业全心全意为人民服务的宗旨。我 Professional ethics is
去年初,外子志侠从“友丰书店”携回四大本画册,精装,散页,每一册以三个布质蝴蝶结做封口。打开来看,是敦煌摄影册。第一册命名《伯希和在中亚细亚的考察》(Mi ssi on Pelli
我和许多人一样,都有个通病:那就是乐意同职业体面的人打交道、交朋友,而对如送牛奶的、做钟点工的、收破烂的、扛液化气罐的等始终保持一种居高临下的世俗心态。 Like many