1982年4月29日~5月2日,方城县五、六个乡的部分群众因婚事、建房等聚餐和日常食用,吃了县食品站出售的熟牛肉,造成716人的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌食物中毒.牛肉来源 1982年4月27、28两日,县食品站宰杀牛四头。于4月28日晚,将牛肉切成6、8、10斤重的块,煮四个多小时,共有熟肉及内脏492斤.于4月29日上午8~11时,在门市部售完.据买主反映,肉无臭味,但不新鲜,显糟。据调查,所宰的四头牛,其中两头各病12天,另一头病20多天,均为“诊断不明、治疗无效”而卖给县食品站屠宰场.宰后发现,牛胃已肿大变黑,部分小肠有
From April 29 to May 2, 1982, part of the masses in five or six townships in Fangcheng County ate lunches, built houses and other meals and daily consumption, and ate cooked beef sold at county food stations, resulting in 716 human typhus Salmonella food poisoning. Source of beef April 27, 1982 two days, the county food station slaughter Niushou four. In the evening of April 28, the beef cut into 6,8,10 pounds of weight, cook for more than four hours, a total of cooked meat and offal 492 pounds on April 29 at 8 am to 11 am, sales in the store End. According to the buyer reflects the meat odorless, but not fresh, bad. According to the survey, the four slaughtered cattle, two of which are sick for 12 days and the other is sick for more than 20 days are sold to the slaughterhouse of County Food Station after being slaughtered because of the “unknown diagnosis and invalid treatment.” Big black, part of the small intestine there