Electrochemical Method to Accelerate Metal-Slag Reaction

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaofeidong
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The electrochemical nature of reaction between melt and slag in a closed system was worked out.Experimental results demonstrated that both the rate and reaction extent increase when the electronic conductor or voltage was applied between melt and slag.The bigger the contact area of the conductor with melts is,the faster the reaction rate is.With the increase of applied voltage which is beneficial for electron’s migration between metal and slags,the rate and extent of reaction increase. The electrochemical nature of reaction between melt and slag in a closed system was worked out. Experimental results for that both both the rate and reaction extent increase when the electronic conductor or voltage was applied between melt and slag. The bigger the contact area of ​​the conductor with melts is, the faster the reaction rate is .With the increase of applied voltage which is beneficial for electron’s migration between metal and slags, the rate and extent of reaction increase.
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