【摘 要】
The German auto giant shifts gears to increase its presence and appeal in China.
The German auto giant shifts gears to increase its presence and appeal in China.
China and Arab nations have vowedto elevate their relationship to astrategic level-a new consensus,analysts say, that reflects theirlong-term mutual trust and shared aspirationsfor development.
The United States needs a comprehensive policy and market-based solutions to address the challenges and demands of energy provision.
Nearly two years after the devastat-ing financial crisis, China's greenshoots of economic recovery arein full bloom. But economists stillworry about inflation, as prices across theboard remain unstabl
Chenzhou, a medium-sized city inHunan Province, knows what it'slike to be cut off from the rest ofthe world. The city suffered a 15-day blackout duling a snowstorm in 2008 insouth China when power sup
China expectsto win a favor-able externalenvironmentfor its domestic develop-ment-an internationalenvironment of lastingstability, good relationswith neighboring countries, an environmentof internatio
Most everyday train passengersdon't have time, or reason, toponder the technicalities of therails, wheels and engines be-neath his or her feet. But inevitably questionswill pop up. What kind of qualit
China's first designer to show at Paris Fashion Week turns his eyes back home.
The Chinese Government thinks highlyof the intellectual property fights (IPR) pro-tection at the Expo and has taken a seriesof measures to safeguard it, said Tian Lipu,head of the State Intellectual P
China's space program dates back to1958 when late Chinese leader Mao Zedongissued a call to "make our own man-madesatellite" at the Second Session of the EighthNational Congress of the Communist Patty
According to a recent report in ChangjiangDaily, Chen Chuande, Deputy Director ofHubei Provincial Education Department,said at a conference on March 30 he "deeplyregretted" college graduates' mistaken