瑞提娜是德国育成的抗病早熟鲜食苹果品种,于2002年在烟台及周边地区引种试栽观察。该品种果实长圆形,平均单果重196.5 g,果面全面着鲜红色,果肉细脆多汁,风味酸甜适度、有香味,可溶性固形物含量为13.6%,果肉硬度为8.8 kg/cm2,品质上等,在烟台地区7月下旬成熟。生长势强,抗病性好,综合性状优于同期成熟的藤牧1号品种,是一个适合在烟台及其周边地区推广栽植的优良早熟品种。
Rittina is a breeder early-maturing fresh apple variety bred in Germany. It was planted in Yantai and surrounding areas in 2002. The fruit was oblong with an average fruit weight of 196.5 g. The fruit surface was bright red with fine and crisp flesh. The flavor was moderately sweet and sour with aroma. The content of soluble solids was 13.6% and the hardness of pulp was 8.8 kg / cm2. First-class quality, mature in late July in Yantai. Strong growth potential, good disease resistance, comprehensive traits than the same period mature Fuju 1, is a suitable for planting in Yantai and its surrounding areas of good precocious varieties.