共患病(comorbidicy),也称共病、同病或合病,系指同一个体同时存在2个或多个疾病,且相互难分主次、缺乏必然因果关联的情况。临床上共患病的概念主要用于研究精神病学领域的“一人多病”现象。对于躯体疾病,由于更多地强调症候之间的因果关联,因而较少应用这一概念,而多用伴随疾病来描述类似现象。美国精神病学会1980年的《精神障碍诊断和统计手册》第3版(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of MentalDisorders-Ⅲ,DSM-Ⅲ)首先提出疾病多轴诊断的概念,建议根据描述病情的需要,可同时作出多个诊断;国际
Comorbidicy, also known as comorbid disease, the same or ailments, means that two or more diseases exist in the same individual at the same time, and they are difficult to differentiate from each other, lacking the necessary causality. The concept of clinical comorbidity is mainly used to study “one person sick” phenomenon in the field of psychiatry. For somatic diseases, more emphasis is placed on the causal link between the symptoms, so the concept is less used and the concomitant diseases are often used to describe similar phenomena. The American Psychiatric Association’s 1980 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - III (DSM-III) first proposed the concept of multi-axial diagnosis of disease, which could be based on the description of the condition Multiple diagnoses; international