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[期刊论文] 作者:John Z.YU,Russell J.KOHEL,Hong,
来源:棉花学报 年份:2002
【正】 Integrative physical mapping is the centerpieceof and essential for advanced genomics research.Upland cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.)geneticstandard line T...
[期刊论文] 作者:Russell J.KOHEL,John Z.YU,Piyu,
来源:棉花学报 年份:2002
【正】 There are several web sites for whichinformation is available to the cotton researchcommunity.Most of these sites relate toresources developed or availab...
[期刊论文] 作者:A.Ed.PERCIVAL,Russell J.KOHEL,John Z.YU,
来源:棉花学报 年份:2002
Future improvement of cotton has met newchallenges that require integrated tools tocharacterize existing genetic resources.Fragmentary data and information on...
[期刊论文] 作者:Russell J.KOHEL,John Z.YU,Piyush GUPTA,Rajeev AGRAWAL,
来源:棉花学报 年份:2002
There are several web sites for whichinformation is available to the cotton researchcommunity.Most of these sites relate toresources developed or available to...
[期刊论文] 作者:John Z.YU,Russell J.KOHEL,Hong-bin ZHANG,Nicole L.STEELE,
来源:棉花学报 年份:2002
Integrative physical mapping is the centerpieceof and essential for advanced genomics research.Upland cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.)geneticstandard line TM-1 is...