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[会议论文] 作者:M.Kimura,N.Furutachi,
来源:The 10th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisi 年份:2009
[期刊论文] 作者:M.Kimura,S.Iwamoto,M.Kusaka,K.Kaizu,
来源:先进制造进展(英文版) 年份:2020
In this study,the effect of core bar inserted into weld faying part to obtain an ideal pipe joint with nongenerating inner flash via friction welding is describ...
[期刊论文] 作者:K.Kobayashi,K.Yamaguchi,M.Hayakawa,M.Kimura,
来源:Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) 年份:2004
The fatigue properties of nickel-base Alloy 718 with fine- and grain-coarse grains were investigated. In the fine-grain alloy, the fatigue strength normalized...
[期刊论文] 作者:林杨挺,王道德,M.Kimura,
来源:极地研究 年份:2002
对我国首次发现的两个南极陨石(GRV 98002,GRV 98004)进行较深入的岩石矿物学研究,证实已有对GRV 98002(L5)和GRV 98004(H5)的化学-岩石类型划分,但GRV 98004的热变质强度相对GRV 98002较弱。根据二辉石温度计,分别计算了两个陨石的热变质温度;根据Fe-Ni合金的......
,Effect of weld faying part groove shape on reduction of inner flash in steel pipe joints fabricated
[期刊论文] 作者:M.Kimura,S.Iwamoto,M.Kusaka,K.Kaizu,Y.Nakatani,M.Takahashi,
来源:先进制造进展(英文版) 年份:2019
The groove shape of the weld faying part was investigated to obtain an ideal pipe friction-welded joint th,at had a fracture in the base metal and no inner flas...
[会议论文] 作者:H.Wu;H.Iwata;M.Kimura;T.Sekino;T.Yamada;H.Takemura;,
来源:2014中国传统医药国际健康服务高峰论坛 年份:2014
Aim.Shigyaku-san is known to alleviate the effects of experimental liver damage.The aim of this study was to clarify the effects of Shigyaku-san on liver fu...
[期刊论文] 作者:林杨挺,王道德,M.Kimura,
来源:中国科学(D辑:地球科学) 年份:1998
在南极碳质球粒陨石Yamato 791 71 7(CO3)的 3块光薄片中发现了 5 5个富Ca和Al包体 ,包括 2个含黑铝钙石包体 ,8个富黄长石型包体和 45个尖晶石 辉石型包体 .通过对这些包体的岩石矿物学研究 ,提出富黄长石型和尖晶石 辉石型包体属于太阳星云凝聚成因、含黑铝钙......
[会议论文] 作者:T.Kimiya,E.Okazaki,Y.Hiraoka,S.Imamura,M.Suzuki,H.Mou,M.Kimura,I.Fusejima,S.Hirokawa,H.Iga,T.Uehara,K.Yokota,
来源:第二届亚洲近红外光谱会议 年份:2010
[会议论文] 作者:T.Kimiya,I.Fusejima,S.Hirokawa,E.Okazaki,Y.Hiraoka,S.Imamura,M.Suzuki,H.Mou,M.Kimura,H.Iga,T.Uehara,K.Yokota,
来源:第二届亚洲近红外光谱会议 年份:2010