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Reducing thermal energy demand in residential buildings under Spanish climatic conditions: Qualitati
[期刊论文] 作者:Juan Pablo San Martin,Maria C.,
来源:建筑模拟(英文版) 年份:2017
The effects of dynamic controls on extal massive shutter positioning are studied as refurbishment measure to reduce energy demand in residential buildings. This...
[期刊论文] 作者:Rob Mahoney,
来源:扣篮 年份:2018
“他打爆了你!” 多诺万·米切尔对此心知肚明。他看到自己被对手过掉,也知道对手进球得分。但为了防止他没意识到,鲁迪·戈贝尔——爵士的防守中枢——正对着这个新秀大喊。“他已经连得了四五分,”戈贝尔告诉米切尔,“这不合理。” 戈贝尔说话并不总会和声细......
[期刊论文] 作者:Rob Mahoney,
来源:扣篮 年份:2016
对PAU GASOL和MARC GASOL而言,篮球只是他们大世界中的一小块而已。 闪电不会两次击中同一个地方。但事实上,闪电确实两次击中了西班牙东部的一个小家庭。 第一个出生的孩子天生就是篮球高手,又瘦又高的他日后将成为整个西班牙的篮球先锋,位列历史伟大球员行......
[期刊论文] 作者:Rob Mahoney,
来源:扣篮 年份:2017
四座总冠军奖杯并没有让匹克签约球员TONY PARKER停滞不前,而且,他现在还有了更重要的使命——传承。 匹克签约球员托尼·帕克知道,总有一天,邓肯会先于他离开球场。无论投进关键球还是犯下错误,他不会再听到邓肯的轻声细语。职业生涯的前15年,帕克已经习惯了跟在......
[期刊论文] 作者:Rob Mahoney,
来源:扣篮 年份:2016
[期刊论文] 作者:Martin,,
来源:中国眼镜科技杂志 年份:2010
[期刊论文] 作者:Martin,
来源:金融理财 年份:2010
在北纬30-40度之间的法兰西朗格多克-鲁西荣地区,是上帝赐给法国人的一个纯净的人间度假天堂。这里冬季温和多雨、夏季炎热干燥的地中海式气候,灿烂的阳光、金色的向日葵、紫色的薰衣草,一派浪漫的田园风光让人心驰神往。 这种地中海式气候的独特条件,非常适......
[期刊论文] 作者:Martin,
来源:凤凰生活 年份:2013
在职场当中,并非完全以IQ来衡量你的发展前景,对于自身的情绪管理也很重要,这直接影响你在同事、上司中的印象。因此,这就涉及EQ(Emotional Quotient,情绪智商)的范畴了,你的EQ是如何的呢?请快速回答以下50个简单的问题,就能帮你找到自己的情绪秘码。 测出你的情商密码......
[期刊论文] 作者:Martin,
来源:凤凰生活 年份:2013
在最新的“福布斯”权力榜中,奥巴马居首位,李嘉诚的名次比拉登还要高。而爱情,何尝不是一场权力游戏,能够驾驭对方,就特别有胜算有power。办公室用具正可以测试出个人争权手段强项,祝大家情场Power Up! Test Start Q1. 你有收集小饰物、邮票、香水或音乐盒等物......
[期刊论文] 作者:Josef Gregory Mahoney,
来源:北京周报(英文版) 年份:2021
As U.S. President Joe Biden and his Secretary of State Anthony Blinken attempt to rebrand post-Donald Trump America through new policies and narratives at home...
[期刊论文] 作者:Josef Gregory Mahoney,
来源:北京周报(英文版) 年份:2020
While a number of countries have made progress in containing and controlling the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), even moving forward cautiously with new n...
[期刊论文] 作者:Josef Gregory Mahoney,
来源:北京周报(英文版) 年份:2021
Two speeches on foreign policy are being parsed for their implications for China-U.S. relations going forward. The first was delivered to the National Committee...
[期刊论文] 作者:Josef Gregory Mahoney,
来源:北京周报(英文版) 年份:2021
By most historical accounts, China began to emerge as a nation-state with the Xinhai Revolution in 1911. The struggle was to transform from a civilizationstate...
[期刊论文] 作者:Josef Gregory Mahoney,
来源:北京周报(英文版) 年份:2021
As we move into the new year with cautious optimism while still facing lingering challenges from 2020, the annus hor-ribilis, and prepare for other challenges,...
[期刊论文] 作者:Josef Gregory Mahoney,
来源:北京周报(英文版) 年份:2021
Charging him with “incitement of insur-rection” and describing him as a “clear and present danger” to the nation, the U.S. House of Representatives impeache...
[期刊论文] 作者:Josef Gregory Mahoney,
来源:北京周报(英文版) 年份:2020
In Poya Village in Funing County, on the southern border of Yunnan Province, just a few kilometers north of China's border with Viet Nam, two “successors” rem...
[期刊论文] 作者:Josef Gregory Mahoney,
来源:北京周报(英文版) 年份:2020
Some experts caution it's easy to overestimate the economic, political, and geostrategic significance of the newly signed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partne...
[期刊论文] 作者:Josef Gregory Mahoney,
来源:北京周报(英文版) 年份:2021
It became commonplace during former U.S. President Donald Trump's tenure to hear the Communist Party of China (CPC)maligned in Cold War-style rhetoric, with the...
[期刊论文] 作者:Josef Gregory Mahoney,
来源:北京周报(英文版) 年份:2020
In 1991, during the first Gulf War, French critical theorist Jean Baudrillard published a series of controversial essays later collected and published in Englis...
[期刊论文] 作者:Josef Gregory Mahoney,
来源:北京周报(英文版) 年份:2020
The recent speeches by world leaders to the UN General Assembly were by in large notable for three reasons.First,most countries acknowledged the 75th anniversar...