Carbon nanomaterials including carbon nanotubes(CNTs)have increasing been used for a variety of commercial and biomedica......
Background:Pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma is a rare soft tissue tumor usually found in young adults, predominantly ......
Downregulation of miR-544 in tissue, but not serum, is a novel biomarker of malignant transformation
Low-grade glioma inherently tends to progress to anaplastic astrocytoma and eventually secondary glioblastoma, and the m......
Inhibition of the Hedgehog Signaling Pathway Depresses the Cigarette Smoke-Induced Malignant Transfo
多形性腺瘤( PA)是唾液腺最常见的上皮性肿瘤,具有交界性肿瘤的特性,肿瘤病程长或多次复发可恶变为恶性PA。 PA的恶变过程是多基因、多......
Sir,rnOral submucous fibrosis is a chronic inflammatory disease,which results in progressive juxta-epithelial fibrosis o......
AIM Hepatocelluar adenoma(HCA)and adenomatoushyperplasia(AH)are rare benign tumors of the liver.HCA isusually found in w......